What inspired the creation of Thapantha Financial Services?
Having worked with organised labour for over 20 years, the need still exists for an independent financial services company. Most products which are available in the market have limitations as they don’t have a space for an independent comparison analysis. Our role is to analyse the needs of workers and provide the best relevant solution which is available from across the financial services sector. All financial services providers are considered and the best value proposition is offered to the market.
Where is the biggest gap in the public’s understanding of financial services?
Medical aids, life products and investments which are being offered in the market are very complicated and need to be simplified. We do that by offering relevant financial literacy.
How does TFS go about rectifying this gap in understanding?
We have staff members who are highly trained in each area of their expertise. We also partner with experts in each field who offer an easy understanding of products.
Does the training help people spot scams?
Our training empowers our potential clients to ask all relevant questions when confronted with dicey product sellers.
How do you achieve the aim to “demystify financial services products”?
Simply put, we design products with our partners and experts which fills the gap in our market. Our Thapantha Financial Services Big 5 funeral package, which is underwritten by Old Mutual, is such a product. Our policies are administered by House of Administration (FSP 50841). With this product, from as little as R125 per week, you can cover any 10 dependents with insurable interest for a benefit of R10 000. In that product you can cover members who are up to 85 years at entry. Our unique offering has an optional savings plan from as little as R25 per week. Through our partner RISE, our Asset Manager, the money is invested in the money market. A member can opt for a termed 12, 36, 60 months or an open-ended withdrawal. This product encourages a savings culture while also paying for a funeral plan.
Does the company have expansion plans?
We have grown phenomenally in the past two years where we have over 20 000 lives on our books and this growth has attracted more service providers who wants to partner with Thapantha Financial Services.
We have offices in East London, Port Elizabeth and our Head Office in Sandton.
Our website is www.thapantha.co.za or we are available on 087 802 7668. Any enquiries can be sent to enquiries@thapantha.co.za.