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University of Johannesburg

Who is the Department of Finance and Investment Management?

The Department of Finance and Investment Management (DFIM) is a department under the School of Management in the College of Business and Economics at the University of Johannesburg (UJ).

With offices on both the UJ Auckland Park Kingsway Campus and the UJ Soweto Campus, the DFIM also offers various academic programmes from diploma level to PhD as well as short learning programmes that allow students the freedom to explore their intellectual and personal passions within the finance industry.

Under the current leadership of Dr Musimuni Dowelani (CFA), the DFIM has fostered a culture that grants our passionate staff and talented students an abundance of opportunities to shine in their respective environments.

What does the DFIM offer to prospective students?

The department offers market-relevant qualifications to prospective students as preparation for future roles in leadership and to thrive in a complex and rapidly changing work environment. Our qualifications are also accredited and affiliated by various professional bodies, notably the Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa (FPI), the South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession (SACPVP), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association (CAIA).

The DFIM offers four distinct streams of studies:

  • Investment management
  • Financial planning
  • Property valuation management
  • Quantitative finance

As a prospective student, I am interested in enrolling for studies in the field of financial planning. Please tell me more.

The DFIM offers one undergraduate qualification and one postgraduate qualification which are both accredited by the FPI. These qualifications allow prospective students the opportunity to acquire crucial knowledge to craft successful careers as future financial advisors.

Undergraduate qualification

Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Finance (NQF Level: 7).

Postgraduate qualification

Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) Honours in Financial Planning (NQF Level: 8).

Will these qualifications offered by the DFIM allow me to obtain the CFP® professional designation offered by the FPI?

The DFIM is a recognised education provider of the FPI. This means that the department has a close collaboration with the professional body to ensure that the qualifications on offer in the financial planning stream at the department adhere to the expected standards and quality measures.

One of the requirements to be eligible to obtain a CFP® professional certification is a relevant NQF Level 8 qualification. The BCom Honours Financial Planning qualification offered by the DFIM fulfills this part of the criteria, as the qualification is also accredited by the FPI, along with the BCom Finance qualification.

What other postgraduate qualifications are on offer at the DFIM?

When a student has graduated from their BCom Honours qualification, they are eligible to apply for our Master of Commerce (MCom) degrees on offer. The DFIM offers:

Anrich van Jaarsveld, Programme Manager: Financial Planning and Lecturer, University of Johannesburg
Anrich van Jaarsveld, Programme Manager: Financial Planning and Lecturer, University of Johannesburg
  • MCom in Investment Management (full research)
  • MCom in Quantitative Finance (full research)
  • MCom in Investment Management with specialisations in financial planning, real estate, investment management and quantitative finance (coursework)

A student who has graduated from their MCom studies will be eligible to register for their doctoral degree. The DFIM offers one doctoral degree, the PhD in Finance.

Will the DFIM offer any new qualifications in the future?

Yes. Our department is continuously working on optimising and expanding our qualifications and courses on offer to meet the ever-changing needs of our students. The DFIM aims to achieve a registered Continuous Professional Development (CPD) provider status at the FPI which will allow the department to offer a variety of opportunities to FPI members to earn CPD points.

We are also developing a variety of new short learning programmes to cater for students who either want to up their existing skills sets, or do not wish to enroll for our traditional qualifications on offer. Please keep an eye on our social media pages and websites for exciting information and updates. 

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