The power of incentives
Rob Macdonald, the head of Strategic Advisory Services at Fundhouse, discusses the human side of investing using Charlie Munger's speech "The psychology of human misjudgment".
A case for precious metals
According to Michael Mgwaba, Head of Exchange Traded Products at ABSA, traditional asset classes have historically helped advisors achieve satisfactory results in portfolio construction for their clients; however, our view is that there is time to consider inclusion of precious metals for the retail clients to improve risk adjusted returns.
Shaping the future of investment management and advice, today
Momentum Investments’ Research Hive is a purposefully created hub of research and innovation activity dedicated to advancing the worlds of effective investment management and advice for both the business and our clients writes Eugene Botha, Deputy Chief Investment Officer at Momentum.
Consider the pros and cons of life and living annuities
Kenny Meiring, an Investment, Retirement and Estates Planning specialist, considers the pros and cons of life and living annuities.
Using hedge funds to harness the power of compounding
The magic of compounding, as it relates to long-term investment returns, cannot be overstated writes James Corkin, Portfolio Manager, Steyn Capital Management.
Could smaller companies have a bright spot despite a gloomy environment?
While it’s important to be mindful that investment performance can be hit by increasing the allocation to smaller companies too early, it’s prudent to ensure you have a seat at the table to avoid missing out on small-cap performance, which often arrives suddenly writes Nkosi Kondi, Country Head South Africa, Schroders.
Unleashing client success: the power of value-based conversations
Kim Potgieter CFP®, Chartered Wealth Solutions, states that understanding clients' core values in financial planning is crucial and can lead to providing your clients with long-term financial well-being.
Corporate governance: a compliance or business issue?
Anton Swanepoel, Trusted Advisor, spotlights corporate governance as an integral factor in the Conduct of Financial Institutions (COFI) Bill.
Cybersecurity: building awareness and resilience in an ever more complex technology landscape
Robyn Clay shares her view on cybercrime and security and its affects on advisory practices as the Director of Link Tank.
Portfolio implications of JSE de-listings
Sean Neethling, Head of Investments at Morningstar South Africa, debates Market Concentration and Investment Portfolios implication associated with JSE de-listings.
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Unlocking China’s high-growth potential for South African investors
As Altvest Capital prepares to investigate the feasibility of a launch of the Altvest Orient Opportunities Fund on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, we are excited to present an unprecedented opportunity for South African investors to access one of the world’s most dynamic and promising venture capital markets: China.
Solving the practice management puzzle in 2025
Anton Swanepoel, fonder of Trusted Advisors, is giving away complimentary copies of "Practice Management, the ultimate leadership blueprint for FSPs'. A book that provides insights that will help you in your strategic planning and decision-making processes in 2025 and beyond. Download your copy on Blue Chip Digital today.
Informing business and investment decisions
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